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How and when to do Chihuahua paper training

When you are trying to housebreak your toy breed of dog you will always run in to some challenges along the way. The Chihuahua presents some special problems because they hate the elements and many times will refuse to go outside. Many people turn to Chihuahua paper training as an option but if you do not follow through with continuous housebreaking techniques then the newspaper approach could be a very bad idea. So if you are going to use papers use them as a part of the process and not the entire solution.

Chihuahuas hate wind, rain and cold so you need to find an outside spot for them that is protected from these elements or else they may never take to going outside. A spot that can allow them to do what they have to do without the bother of the bad elements will help a lot in housebreaking your Chihuahua. Always remember that physically punishing your Chihuahua will create aggressive behavior in your dog and that may be something you will never get it to stop doing.

If you are set on trying Chihuahua paper training then it is imperative that you remember that paper training is a temporary solution and you are moving towards getting the dog to go outside and not let it get used to going inside. The first thing you need to do is to establish a paper area in the house that is away from the dog’s food. Chihuahuas will not relieve themselves near where they eat so you can set up many layers of paper in any other area you designate.

Find a spot away from their food to set up a paper area and lay down multiple layers of paper. Your Chihuahua will not relieve itself near where it eats so make sure the paper location is away from the food and water.

After a little success with your Chihuahua paper training slowly begin moving the papers towards a door that you will want to use to get the dog to go outside. Change the papers regularly and leave a little bit of soiled paper in with the fresh paper so they know that this is their spot to go.

As Chihuahua paper training seems to be working you can start slowly moving the paper area closer and closer to the outside door. Always clean the paper area and leave some soiled paper with it so the dog knows that is the spot to go. As you get closer to the door start laying papers under the door and outside reducing the size of the inside paper spot. Soon your dog should want to go outside to use the papers outside because the area inside is too small to use.

Never confine your dog while you are home, as this will only confuse it. Keep water and food away from your dog while it is in its crate at night while you are Chihuahua paper training because a Chihuahua has a very small bladder and won’t be able to hold anything in all night.

Be smart about housebreaking your dog and using the paper method should be successful for you.

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