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No puppy! Dog training to stop biting

Coaching your dog to stop biting does not need to occur after a biting incident, it would need to start from when your dog is a puppy. The earlier training begins the less probable it is that a bite will occur. But, even dogs that are loving and sweet may one day have a biting incident. Training your dog early will help to prevent it, but it will never give a 100% guarantee that there will never be a biting incident.

Start Early

When puppies are small, many people wait until the biting behavior stops, because these puppies are so cute. Little nips and growling around food or children seem cute. However, it is important for puppy owners to visualize their grown dog doing the same thing. Then it is not so cute. In fact, the thought of the behaviors continuing should prompt training to start immediately.

Tip #1: Inhibit Biting

Part of the lesson in training your dog to stop biting is to coach your puppy to restrain biting. Normally, dogs would learn to inhibit their biting behavior from their mother before they even reach the age of four months old, we as the dog owner see it once and decide to put a stop to it before it even starts. It is vital to practice this training, since the mother dog and siblings are not present to do it.

Tip #2: Make Your Dog a Social Butterfly

Letting your puppy socialize is the natural way to control biting behavior. When letting your puppy socialize with other puppies and dogs, puppy tends to play rough but learns to control their biting so they do not hurt each another. If dogs bite too hard, it gives a negative reaction to other dogs, but it is still acceptable as it is a natural process. Socialization with others is a natural structure of training, as you can do or say nothing as a person to educate them better than socializing does.

Tip #3: Build Trust and Respect

Building trust and respect with your puppy is the best and most effective way to put a stop to biting behavior. To show that they are the alpha dog of the household is one good reason for biting and aggression in dogs and they just look at their owners and family members as part of their pack. An added basis for dog bites is fear, and dogs naturally become aggressive when they feel pressured.

But nonetheless, building trust and respect becomes an important part of dog training to stop biting, and letting the dog feel at ease but without crossing the line of respect with authority. Reprimands are an important part of training, but reprimands without respect actually will hinder progress. Communicate with your puppy so that you form a bond, but show that you have control over everything, including toys, food, bed, walks, and praise.

Keep in mind that essentially starting early in training minimizes the chances of dog bites that might occur later. Letting your dog socialized is the most natural way to inhibit biting behavior. Nonetheless, when you let your puppy feel that they are loved and cared for and you institute a sense of respect for your authority, training the dog to stop biting is easier.

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