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Understanding & correcting unwelcome doggie behavior

Getting to know your fuzzy little friend early on will eliminate many of the unwelcome behaviors that can creep up later on. But what if you have passed that point? Well, first, understand that the bad behavior is a reward in itself to your dog. He didn’t relieve himself on your carpet to make you angry it just felt good at the time. And he wants to be a part of your life, all aspects of it, so when you have friends over and he climbs all over them, he is just joining in on the fun.

Housebreaking your dog doesn’t have to create emotional strain on you or him. Don’t allow him complete freedom in the house when he first arrives. Otherwise, he will definitely view the area as his space and accidents will occur. But punishment for this infraction is not the answer. It’s over and done with. Show him your unconditional love and consider the option of crate training. It is his comfortable area of safety, and he will eventually adjust to the idea of having his own little den. And walkies are another wonderful way to bond with this little guy and profuse praise when he relieves himself outdoors will add to his confidence and trust in you.

Excitement is a natural element in the life of a dog. He loves anything that will arouse his interest. So when he jumps on all those guests the first minute they walk through the door, he is just demonstrating his pleasure. Your options are either no more guests or correct the behavior. Naturally, correcting the behavior is going to be your choice. Therefore, do not give your little pal the opportunity to be loose in the house once a guest enters. You should also consider teaching your dog that when guests do come over, he will always be appropriately dressed in a collar and leash. In most cases, this will do the trick.

Separation anxiety can become a full-blown major issue if you do not take steps to correct the problem. The situation arises simply because your dog does not want to be left alone. He will begin with pacing and then couple that with whining and even barking. If left untreated, he may begin to even scratch at the front door or chew and tear on items in your home. It can even escalate to him chewing on himself. Again, the response is simply put him in an enclosed area, such as a crate, with his favorite toys and treats. This will eliminate a great deal of the stress and anxiety that your poor little guy has been feeling.

Is there anything more exasperating for a dog owner than to arrive home and find trash all over the kitchen floor? And why would your dog do such a naughty thing? Simple, he wants to eat. The response needs to be immediate. Create a game plan for the entire family and follow it through. The next thing you need to do is let your little pal know this behavior is not acceptable. You can simply use the word “No” the next time you see him sniffing the trashcan. If this method does not seem to get through to him, simply do not allow him the opportunity to explore the trash – move it out of his reach.

One of the most dangerous and possibly heartbreaking situations occurs when your dog runs out the door. In his mind, he is just looking for the kid down the block or a bit of excitement. But this is incredibly unsafe and it is up to you, as his trusted friend, to prevent this from happening. You need to send him a message that this behavior is totally unacceptable. Teaching your dog the COME behavior and the STAY behavior will give you great control once the door is open. Preventative training means never allowing your dog the opportunity to be in that situation in the first place. Keep your baby on a leash until he is properly trained for his well being and your peace of mind.

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