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Clicker dog teaching

Whatever kind of dog you have, clicker dog training is one of the most effective and impressive methods for controlling and dictating a dog's behaviour when trying to teach them basic commands. It takes very little time to master clicker training and with a well operated clicker, you can teach your dog nearly anything.

How Dog Clicker Learning Works

The concept behind dog clicker teaching is the fact that you're teaching your dog to associate the noise of the dog clicker – a solid, sharp sound they can hear from 20 yards away – with a specific command allowing. The purpose of the training would be to mark specific desirable behaviour after which reward it with the sound of the dog clicker.

Of course clicker learning does not focus on a clicker. You have to first teach your pet the dog clicker is really a reward permanently behaviour. This can be achieved using a bag of treats and a simple, two dollar dog clicker out of your local pet store.

It's important that you employ a dog clicker in cases like this for a number of reasons. In the first place, a dog won't hear that clicker for any reason other than to inform them they did a great job and that a delicacy is along the way. Anything or verbal command may be given in different situations as well as the relationship in their head is not really strong due to it.

How Dog Clicker Training is completed

When you start training your dog to respond to a clicker, there are three very basic steps. First, you will get the behaviour – convincing your dog to do something that you want. It may be sitting, speaking, rolling over, or whatever other tricks you're trying to teach. Once you've gotten them to perform their behaviour, mark it with the clicker and a reward.

It usually only takes two or three markings before a dog learns the behaviour they did was and starts repeating it if you click utilize the dog clicker training. Dog clicker learning is useful because they will immediately respond, letting you reward them and immediately instil it within their minds. A verbal command will remember to cope with.

Once the dog did the behaviour and received their reward, continue doing it to reinforce the behaviour when you can. You do not have to make use of treats each time. Praise and petting work equally well and may eventually replace the behaviour.

Transitioning to a Command

Once the dog has learned the behaviour well, clicker dog training will have you transition to a spoken command that can be used anywhere, even when you don't have a clicker. Whenever you are about to use the clicker, say the command and then click, followed by the reward. The dog will quickly learn to associate all three.

Eventually, with good clicker dog training, a dog will respond to a verbal cue and praise for their action and then they will simply learn it. The need for treats or praise will be gone and the dog will simply know that the action pleases you. 

As you might imagine, clicker dog training has a number of applications. It can make training your dog so much easier in many ways. With a simple, sharp command, you can mark and reinforce nearly any behaviour.

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