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Eliminating difficult dog behaviors with correct instruction

There are a number of reasons for having a pet dog. Perhaps, it was that irresistible puppy or the dog with lovable eyes! Needless to say, an obedient one is ideal. That takes training to accomplish! This article will provide some helpful ideas for doing just that!


If your crate training your new dog or puppy make sure that they understand the crate is their own personal space. Never use the crate as a punishment otherwise they will start to look at it as a bad place and will try to start resisting going inside of it.

Correcting your dog with a short, sharp and clear message will really get the point across. Too often people explain wrong doings to their dog in complete and complex sentences, leaving the animal completely perplexed. Be brief, firm and repeat the same phrase for the same bad behavior every time.

Stop your dog from eating poop! For some reason, certain dogs tend to eat feces, either because it tastes good or they are bored. Another theory is that a dog will eat its feces because it sees the owner cleaning it up, and is trying to imitate that behavior. If you see your dog doing this, use the basic ‘leave it’ command. If your dog already knows this command, it will work immediately. Reward desired behavior. One last thing – dogs will eventually grow out of this habit on their own, so don’t worry too much about it.

Any time that you are training one of your dogs, whether for behavior or simply to learn a new trick, it is essential that you ensure you have their attention first. This will help them to learn that you are the one in control and it also helps establish respect.

Remember to give praise for good behavior. If your dog is doing what you want him to do, praise him. Don’t make the mistake of only giving your dog attention when he is misbehaving. When you do that, you are training your dog to misbehave. Dogs like attention, and negative attention is better than no attention at all.

When it comes to grooming activities, familiarize your pet with common handling as early as possible. Dogs require grooming regardless of breed and getting your pet used to having her paws, face and ears handled regularly makes the grooming process less stressful for both of you. Whether you do your own grooming or have it done professionally, train your dog to accept handling common to grooming.

Find out what motivates your dog as a training reward, and save it for training sessions to get maximum results. Some dogs love a chance to chew on a special squeaky toy or ball, while others adore a certain brand of treats or tiny chunks of fresh baked chicken. It never hurts if the dog is a little hungry so the treats seem even tastier.

A great dog training tip is to assume the role of the pack leader. All dogs have a pack mentality. There is typically a pack leader that influences the behavior of the rest of the pack. By acting as the pack leader, your dog will become more obedient.

When teaching a puppy basic commands, start with ‘sit’. This is the easiest one for a dog to master. Hold his favorite snack just above his nose, and firmly say ‘sit’. Most dogs will instinctively sit down at this point. Offer him the treat and don’t forget to praise him profusely. If he doesn’t sit, gently push his rear end towards the floor. After he has been sitting for a few seconds, give him the treat, and like before, remember to praise him.

So, now are you ready to get to work? Hopefully, the ideas in this article gave you some helpful ideas to train your dog! A well-trained pet is ideal. It takes time to do just that! But, it will be worth it when you look into those lovable eyes that are eager to follow your every command or the sweet little puppy that grows up to be the perfect companion! Apply the tips that will best work for you in the situation you find yourself in for whatever reason!

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