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A guide to proper Pug care

Of all the different breeds of dog that one can choose from, one of the best without a doubt is the Pug. These are truly adorable little dogs, and super friendly. They are also great family pets even around very young children, as long as they are trained properly of course. There are a few issues with the Pug that any potential owner must be aware of however, and more than anything this refers to Pug care.

Pugs require a fair amount of consistent and ongoing care, and people need to be aware of this before choosing to have this dog as a pet. There are also many Pug allergies that you should be concerned with, and in fact if left untreated Pug allergies can be just as ailing as human allergies. There are ways to deal with dog allergies, and if your dog is always scratching his skin or getting blisters, odds are that they have allergies.

When it comes to Pug allergies, there are a few allergens that tend to be particularly common. This includes pollen, mold spores and household dust. Flea infestation can also cause Pug allergies, and what’s even worse is that some dogs are actually even allergic to the saliva that fleas produce.

Of course the best way to manage dog allergies is to prevent them, and by keeping the dog away from the allergens that trigger their disease will help to at least minimize the symptoms that are associated with their condition. Of course to do this you will have to first determine the specific allergens that are affecting them. Anything from pollen and mold spores to household dust can cause allergies in dogs, and you will want to speak to your veterinarian more about this.

Immunotherapy can also help here, so speak to your veterinarian more about this and to find out what you can do to help relieve your dog’s allergy symptoms. Also keep in mind that these types of shots can be incredibly expensive and they can also take anywhere from several months to a year to work.

Pug allergies can definitely be difficult to deal with, but there are a few tips that will be very helpful to you here. Ensuring that the dog is neutered, bathing them at least once a week and wiping them down with a wet cloth frequently for instance are all great ideas because they will help keep the dog clean and healthy, particularly his fur, which is where many allergens tend to hide and cause problems.

You basically just want to make sure that the dog is kept as clean and healthy as possible, especially when it comes to their fur because this is where allergens tend to hide and bother them.

Because of this, if you would rather avoid this entirely then you may just want to go with another breed. Otherwise you will need to make sure that you stay on top of it and keep the dog clean and your home allergen free.

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