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Health problems of the Shih Tzu

There are few things in life more exciting than adding a puppy to your family. A Shih Tzu can be a good choice of pet for many reasons, but it is important to know what you are getting into before you bring your Shih Tzu puppy home from the breeder. There are many Shih Tzu health problems that are unique to this breed, and by educating yourself to what those problems are you can find a breeder who offers a line of dogs without a family history of them. It also helps you to know what to look for in your Shih Tzu, so that you can address any potential health problems early on.

Another important step in Shih Tzu care is to find a veterinarian that is knowledgeable about the Shih Tzu breed and is a doctor that you and your dog are both comfortable working with. The final component in Shih Tzu health care is to learn about first aid for dogs so that you are prepared should an emergency arise.

Renal dysplasia is a disorder that affects the kidneys of a Shih Tzu, and can be potentially fatal in more severe cases.

A brachiocephalic skull can also lead to eye problems for the Shih Tzu, since the skull is structured in a way that the eyes of the dog protrude more than with other breeds. This additional exposure of the eye can lead to a variety of eye problems that will need to be addressed and treated.

Dry eye is a Shih Tzu health problem where the eye does not provide enough moisture for itself. The result of this condition can be a damaged cornea, and some dogs can go blind if dry eye is left untreated. Another eye problem that Shih Tzu's might have is a result of the structure of the skull in these dogs that causes the eyes to protrude more than other breeds. This protrusion exposes more of the eye to the environment that can lead to a host of eye problems that may require treatment. Learning about potential Shih Tzu health problems is only part of the process of preparing to bring your adorable new puppy home.

It is also important to be ready for any emergency that might arise by stocking up a few first aid supplies at home as well as a first aid manual that can walk you through any number of situations where your dog becomes sick or injured. Bandages, a rectal thermometer and a hydrogen peroxide solution are good first aid supplies to keep on hand.

Responsible pet owners also understand the importance of preparing for possible emergencies that might arise with a sick or inured pet. You will want to have a few supplies at home that will come in handy for treating your dog in the event of an emergency, such as bandages, antibiotic ointment or hydrogen peroxide and a rectal thermometer. Some dog owners also keep a muzzle handy so that they can safely treat their pet when it is injured. Doing your homework in regards to Shih Tzu care will mean a happy healthy relationship between you and your pet.

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