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Vaccinations for puppies

Vaccinations for puppies are one of the most important things a dog owner can do to protect the health of the dog. Vaccinations protect the dog from several potentially fatal dog diseases. Before birth, puppies receive some antibodies from their mothers through the placenta. For the first two days after birth, the puppies continue to receive antibodies in the mother’s first milk.

If a puppy is vaccinated before this natural immunity from them maternal antibodies wears off, the vaccination will be in effective. A common recommendation is for the puppy to begin receiving vaccinations at six to nine weeks of age.

Parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis, and hepatitis vaccinations are the vaccinations for puppies that are typically required. Vaccinations for rabies and kennel cough may be recommended by the veterinarian.

Parvovirus causes abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, vomiting, depression, and refusal to eat or drink. Canine distemper causes lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, coughing, diarrhea, runny nose, and seizures.

A virus that attacks the liver and can be deadly is infectious canine hepatitis. Infectious canine hepatitis causes vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, and a loss of appetite.

Bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, vomiting, increased thirst, fever, and increased urination are symptoms of a bacterial infection leptospirosis. Dogs can die from leptospirosis within hours.

A dry cough, slight fever, loss of appetite, and lethargy are common symptoms of kennel cough which is a highly contagious upper respiratory infection. Before I dog is boarded at some kennels, the dog owner is required to provide proof that the dog has been vaccinated against kennel cough.

The final stages of rabies causes the dog to foam at the mouth and drool. Rabies can lead to paralysis, coma, and death from respiratory failure. Rabies can also affect people unlike most dog diseases.

Dogs can also be vaccinated for coronavirus, parainfluenza, Bordetella, and measles. The veterinarian may recommend these vaccinations and others if the dog is to spend a significant amount of time with a large group of dog such as in a kennel.

Following some vaccinations, the puppy may not be allowed to be exposed to other dogs. The veterinarian may provide information on possible side effects and any other precautions related to the vaccinations.

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