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Management of canine diabetes mellitus

Dogs diagnosed with canine diabetes mellitus must begin medical treatment to manage the diabetes. Diabetes management includes lifestyle changes which require regular routines.

Dogs that are middle age or older and are overweight are at the highest risk for canine diabetes mellitus. Inflammation of the pancreas can also cause diabetes. Younger dogs can also develop diabetes especially if there is a history of diabetes in the dog’s bloodline.

Insulin is necessary to metabolize glucose. If the insulin produced by the pancreas is not enough to use glucose in the blood for energy, the blood glucose levels rise to unsafe levels.

The treatment for canine diabetes mellitus usually includes a control diet, regular exercise, and insulin injections. The size of the dog in the dog’s breed can affect the frequency and dosage of insulin necessary to control canine diabetes mellitus.

The dog owner must follow instructions for the proper storage and administration of insulin. Insulin injections are administered just under the skin along the dog’s back. The frequency and dosage of insulin injections are different for different dogs.

The dog owner may need to frequently test the dog’s urine with a test strip that indicates the level of glucose in the urine. The veterinarian may have the dog owner keep a log of the dog’s diet, insulin injections, any changes in behavior, and urine test results.

Consistency is the key factor in managing diabetes. A routine of exercise and eating needs to be followed. Changes in diet or exercise can impact blood glucose levels in the amount of insulin needed. Dogs with diabetes also need to be fed part of the dog food early in the day and the rest of food up to ten hours later.

Extra food and snacks given to the dog can jeopardize the dog’s health. A strict feeding routine is necessary for the proper management of the diabetes. A consistent level of exercise daily can make canine diabetes mellitus easier to manage.

The veterinarian may suggest a specific diet for the dog with canine diabetes mellitus. Dog food that is high in fiber and protein is often recommended. The dog owner may feel somewhat overwhelmed with all the necessary changes, but this feeling may subside as the diabetes management becomes part of the daily routine.

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