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Rare and fluffy: The Havanese

Descended from European toy dog breeds like the Bichon and Toy Poodle, the Havanese is a true companion dog for good times and bad. Although becoming the National Dog of Cuba, the breed was nearly wiped out in the Cuban Revolution. The Havanese is safe and sound in American and Europe and growing in popularity.

You might not have heard of the Havanese (also called the Havanese Silk Dog) before, but this is a breed that started in the 1500’s, soon after the Spanish claimed what is now Cuba. When the Spanish colonists came to the New World, they had to bring their dogs with them. And bring them they did – including their Bichons. Over the centuries, the Havanese, named after the Cuban city of Havana, developed their own characteristics and became the national dog of Cuba.

The toy dogs from Europe eventually grew into their own characteristic selves in Cuba. Their fur got long and silky, giving them a name Havana Silk Dog, which they are still sometimes called. The coat got wavy or curly with two layers. Some shorthaired were born and sometimes still are, but they are not considered show worthy dogs. The eye rims, nose and lips are always black. They were considered a luxury item and the dogs of the upper class. When the Cuban Revolution hit, the upper class had to flee Cuba to America and Europe, and brought along their dogs.

Not content on conquering the hearts and homes of one nation, the Havanese is now conquering North America. Although only introduced in the 1970’s after the Revolution, the Havanese is making a name for himself in and out of the show ring. The breed has now been recognized by the American Kennel Club and the American Rare Breeds Association. They colonize indoor homes and apartments best. They make great companions for individuals and families.

If you are considering a new family pet that will be lots of fun and offer lot of love, perhaps a Havanese dog is in your future. What these tiny dogs lack in size,they make up for in playfulness, loyalty and intelligence. Easy to train and easy to adore is the best way to sum up your potential relationship with a Havanese dog. Family pets are a big decision and when you are faced with the choice you want to bring home the best fit for everyone.

A Havanese pup might just fit the bill with an abundance of energy and a sweet,gentle nature that will capture your heart from the very first moment. These dogs are extremely intelligent and eager to please,making them a good choice in pets for many families. Although these dogs are generally easy to train,they are not always as easy to housebreak. Make sure that if you decide to bring a Havanese puppy home,you are ready for the time and patience that you will need to get that little pup fully housebroken.

The rewards of surviving the housebreaking stage with your Havanese puppy will be great indeed. Once your pup is fully trained, you will be able to enjoy a dog that is always ready to play and will offer you plenty of love and enjoyment for years to come.

Fiona Kelly

Fiona Kelly hopes to be a Havanese dog in the next life and so is learning all she can about Havanese breeding, care and grooming in this one. This article is meant to be a trusted source of pet advice, including that of Havanese care and breeding. Informing the public of the best Havanese information will make owners less likely to abandon their pets.

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