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Regulate the diet of your Persian cat

Purchasing quality pet products present a problem these days as there are such a vast range of choices available to us. As far as your Persian cat’s food items are concerned you must to be very careful to check the type and quality of the food before you offer it to your cat.


The governing factor to a Persian cat’s health is a stable and appropriate diet.  This kind of cats is somewhat more sensitive towards food as compared to other cats. Persian cats generally also require more vitamins in comparison to other cats and if needed, you can purchase supplements from animal stores.  However if you provide your cat with a balanced diet that consists of an adequate amount of vitamins then supplements should not be required. Typical the later would be the case – especially if you are purcasing a high quality cat food.  You should also always check with your vet before starting your cat on vitamin supplements.

What you feed your Persian cat depends to a great extent on its age. A cat of one to two months old should be fed simply milk and it should be milk that is specificlally made or processed only for kittens. Once your cat reaches the age of four months and till they reach 12 months, they can be given food which is soft like chicken and other items full of vitamins so that during these very important early growth months your kitten remains healthy and is given a full diet of health options.

You should plan to server your cat only the best from the very beginning so that you can help your Persian build up a strong and healthy immune system. This will in turn support your pet’s natural defenses against the harmful effects of aging and illness that might threaten your pet and also against any physical and environmental stress.

It is a must that you stick to a recommended diet suitable for your Persian cat once they reach the age of one year and follow it till the age of ten. It is also recommended that you should follow a system of food rotation. This system will make sure that your cat will have different diet and not the same food daily which some pet owners have a habit of giving and may contain materials which makes could your pet sick or no longer interested in eating.

To build a proper immune system and make your pet healthy it is important to follow the above routine as well as routine (at least annual) visits to your vet. Persian cats require appropriate diet without which they may not reach their full potential and could be open to illnesses.

Also note that Persian cats can experience any series of health problems like allergies to food and other allergies; digestion problem, diabetes and above all obesity which are all the result of not being active like other cats.

Correctly weighed food and a balanced diet is what will keep a Persian cat healthy and free of diseases. They are prone to obesity especially if fed human food which can lead to they developing a number of health problems and may also lead to their death.

Once your cat reaches the age of ten and has been going through the regimen of healthy balanced food in quality as well as quantity you may wish to start feeding it an anti-age diet based food along with skin re-generation supplements as standard diet. Finally some cat owners, in an effort to keep their cat’s coat shining and healthy, have given their cat vitamin B but you should always consult with your vet before giving anything to your animal – even selecting the proper food.

Take the time and effort to care for your cat and you will get years of happy and healthy love back!

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shawn Cheney
shawn Cheney
4 years ago

We’ve been concerned that our Persian has had fleas but I think that it is the food. Are there any recommendations for quality allergy free food?

4 years ago

We had the same problem with our cat. Vet told us to avoid chicken. I would contact your vet or They are really great and can recommend a good product for your kitty.

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