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Reverse feline bladder thickening

When your cat gets diagnosed with feline bladder thickening, then they likely have a urinary tract infection previously that caused the thickening. What is feline bladder thickening, and what can you do to reverse it?

First, you will need to understand that this condition is not a disease, but rather a symptom. Even though it can lead to other urinary issues, it is not going to be life threatening on its own. However, it is still something that will need to be fixed.

When a cat has had a urinary tract infection and is unable to relieve the pressure, it will feel the constant need to urinate. Over time, if ignored, then this pressure will increase and the muscle walls of the feline bladder will become thicker. This will make it even more difficult for your cat to control urination. If this happens, it can become a serious problem because the toxins within the bladder need to be emptied regularly and completely.

Using steroids and drug therapy, as well as antibiotics is one of the best ways to alleviate bladder thickening in cats. The down side is that cats are very sensitive and will not often be able to tolerate the side effects of such medications.

Natural remedies are another way that you can treat this problem in cast. Herbs like Cantharis or Staphysagris have been clinically proven to help treat the infection as well as soothe the inflamed tissues. This will help heal the bladder so that the thickening of the bladder goes away completely. Luckily, since these treatments are completely natural, they are gentle towards your cat and will not have any side effects.

Make sure that your cat always has fresh, clean water at all times. Instead of giving them tap water that is full of impurities, use filtered water. The chemicals that exist in tap water can often alter the pH balance of the bladder, leading to more infections. Make sure your cat is drinking plenty of water. The more water they drink, the better diluted their urine will be, and the more likely that the cat will flush out toxins.

Feline bladder thickening is a symptom that can lead to further problems in your cat. It is important you treat this right away so that it does not become a bigger problem in the future. We all love our cats, which is why it is important to do everything we can for them.


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