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Is cat declawing inhumane?

Cat declawing used to be a widely accepted method for controlling cat scratching behavior. Alternatives to cat declawing are now considered humane solutions to destructive cat scratching.

During the surgery to declawed cat, the last digit of the cat’s toes are removed. The veterinarian may opt to do the claw instead of removing the end portion of the cat’s toes however.

The main reason that cat owners elect to get their cat’s declawed is to stop or prevent destructive cat scratching. Some cat owners believe that they must have their cat’s declawed to save their furniture and even themselves from getting scratched. A cat owner who gets their cat declawed to stop cat scratching during play may be disappointed when the declawed cat bites since they can no longer use its claws to defend itself.

Cat declawing can cause dangerous complications and behavior problems such as infection and the decline in litter box usage. Cat declawing can cause a cat to walk differently than its natural gait which can cause long-term skeletal and joint problems. Also if a declawed cat becomes a stray the cat is defenseless to protect itself.

Declawing can cause litter box problems. When a cat experiences pain from declawing, the pain may be worse when the cat digs in litter box. The cat may associate pain with the litter box and avoid the litter box.

The Humane Society and other organizations that promote the humane treatment of animals are opposed to cat declawing. There are several humane alternatives to cat declawing. A cat owner can simply trim the tips of the cat’s claws regularly.

A cat’s claws can be trimmed with regular fingernail clippers. That cat owner can extend the claws by gently pressing on the cat’s paw. The pink part of the nail, called the quick, should be avoided as they will bleed if cut. Only the very tips of the claws need to be cut.

Scratching post can teach the cat to only scratch where appropriate. If a cat does not use the scratching posts, the cat owner may have some success with training the cat to use the scratching posts by rubbing them with catnip and placing them near places where the cat has done destructive cat scratching.

One other option is the use of vinyl claw covers.  Vinyl claw covers are tiny plastic nail caps that glue onto a cat claws. Vinyl nail caps typically stay in place for about five weeks.

While the decision is ultimately that of the cat owner, please consider the health and wellbeing of your kitty and review again all the possible issues that could result by declawing your cat.  Scratching and a natural / normal behavior for a cat and any attempt to modify that just doesn’t seem natural. Your cat trust you to always have its best interest and health at heart.

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