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Your Beagle pup and you

Just like you wouldn’t ask a six-month-old human baby to drive a car so should you not have the wrong expectations for your Beagle’s development as well. You may find that your Beagle pup is having a difficult time being housebroken. Perhaps the standard methods do not work so try something else but never use violence or fear. If you don’t spend time with behavioral issues when you Beagle pups are still pups then they become habits in adulthood and that is a bigger problem.

A Beagle pup is a great thing to get for you and your family as they make great family dogs and can be a lot of fun to raise and watch grow up. But Beagle puppies require a lot of patience and Beagle puppy care is not as easy as it may seem. Take the time to do some research on how to raise your Beagle pup the right way so that it stays healthy and grows into a great family dog. Always keep your vet involved with regular appointments and consultations if something should go wrong.

Rule number one, and probably the most important thing to remember that goes right along with patience, is to know what to expect from your Beagle pup as it develops and grows. A three-month-old Beagle is not going to be able to be taught the same things as a ten-month-old would. Beagles are just like kids in that you have to teach them based on where they are in their physical and mental development.

Sometimes Beagle pups cannot be housebroken by traditional means and this is when a little dedication comes in to play. People usually housebreak a Beagle by caging it at night, and during the day while they are gone, under the assumption that a dog will not go where it sleeps. If this does not work then try taking the dog out every hour on the hour for two days always reinforcing the notion that outside business is good and inside is bad. This may work better over caging.

Dogs respond better when they understand what is going on rather than fearing what they consider to be random violence. If your puppy barks constantly then point at it and tell it to stop with consistent but short one-word commands. Never beat your dog and never run at your dog in anger as the dog can sense this and fear is a lousy trainer.

Most, if not all, of the behavioral patterns required for Beagle pups need to be taught to them while they are still pups. Walking on a leash, for example, may seem like an easy second nature thing to do but Beagle pups are not born with the ability to walk on a leash, you need to teach them. It takes patience but you need to make sure that all negative behavioral traits are eliminated when they are still young enough to learn.

A Beagle pup is like an empty book waiting to be filled with information. If you wait too long to address behavioral issues then those issues become patterns in adulthood and negative behavioral patterns are much more difficult to stop. So make sure you take the time to train your pup while it is still young so you and your family can enjoy it for years to come.

Michelle Adams

Michelle Adams is an animal owner that is raising multiple house pets. This article gives great information on raising beagle puppies.

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