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Understanding why and how to stop your cat’s biting

Cats look cute and adorable. That is until they start biting poor unsuspecting human beings. Cats need to be taught good behavior. A lot of biting that is done by a cat is a result of uncorrected bad behavior. Keep in mind that cats came from the wild. Even though now cats have been domesticated and live in close contact with humans, their instincts remain the same. They are born hunters and are equipped with the natural tools designed to hunt a prey.


Cats have predatory instincts

Biting is a part of a cat’s defense mechanism. They do this when they feel threatened. Since biting is a cat’s way to protect themselves, humans have to be careful that their cats don’t think they are threatening them in any way when they are playing with their cats.

Remember that cats are predatory by nature. They show this trait by playfully pouncing and biting the hands and feet of their owners. It’s important for owners not to tolerate this behavior. Otherwise, their cats will think it is acceptable. Cat owners should not encourage their cats to think that their hands and feet are play things. A lot of cat owners who tolerate this behavior have scars to prove this unfortunate mistake.

Look for the cause

Sometimes cats exhibit bad behavior such as scratching and biting when they are ill or have an injury. They also do this when they feel anxiety or fear. Cat owners need to pay close attention to the health of their cats. They also need to examine their cat’s environment to assess if there’s something about their surroundings that is causing their cat’s bad behavior.

Train your cat

When training a cat, owners should reward their pets for their good behavior and obedience! This encourages the cat to maintain a good attitude. You can do this by giving them treats, or showering them with affection.

Fun activities

Sometimes cats bite when they get listless. When a cat starts to scratch and bite, owners can put a stop to this by distracting the cat with a fun activity. Give the cat a toy to play with. This will get the cat’s attention, and keep the cat preoccupied. Cats are wonderful pets to have. Not only are they clean creatures – they keep themselves clean by licking their fur. But they are also very useful. The Ancient Egyptians used to keep cats to catch rodents.

But first things first, cats need to be trained and taught the rules of the house. Luckily for cat owners, this means, no more biting!

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