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How to calm down your kitten

There is nothing more innocent and peaceful looking than a fluffy little kitten. You just can’t help it you have to be the tiny little bundle of joy home with you. Something must have happened, somehow the sweet little creature that you picked out has been swapped out with the kitten that nightmares are made of.

The kitten is tearing up your house, biting your feet, scratching your furniture, and running around chasing its own shadow so loud in the middle of the night that you can’t sleep. It is ok, before you bring in the priest and try to expel the evil; it is just a stage, it too will pass.

Think of your kitten as a toddler. You would never expect a toddler to sit perfectly still and be constantly calm. In fact, if this happened you would probably think something is wrong and schedule a doctor’s appointment immediately. The same thing should be said about your kitten, it is healthy for a kitten to be playful, if at any time she starts acting weak or lethargic it is imperative that you seek veterinary help immediately.

If you do not have kids yourself, you have seen other parents with their young children at the park, the kids are running around like crazy, and the parents are allowing it. It isn’t because they are irresponsible parents; it is because they have learned a valuable secret. The more the kids run around the more energy they expel, meaning that they will be tired sooner.

Your kitten is the same way. Play with them, take the time to wear them out and they will be calm when it is time to settle down. Every hour that you are home with your kitten you should commit at least ten minutes to doing nothing but playing with your kitten. Go to the pet store and purchase a toy, or even get a sting and have her chase it. Use your imagination, not only will this time together be a great bonding experience, but it will also tire out your little ball of energy.

If your kitten is doing more than being playful, it is important to stop bad and hurtful habits before that kitten grows into a cat. Let’s use climbing the curtain as an example. If you have tried wearing them out and they are still not breaking the habit of climbing the curtains it is important to take incorporate a punishment. Get a small spray bottle and fill it with water, every time that kitten is on the curtains spray her soon, she will associate the bad behavior with the water, and she will stop doing it.

As your kitten becomes more at home with your family the wildness with slowly wearing off. It is important to let her know that you see that she is behaving. Reward her for lying calmly when it isn’t playing time. Giving your kitten a treat for being good to make her want to do it more. The most important thing that you can do is remain patient. The kitten is just a baby and does not know how things work. You have to tell her what her boundaries are.

Yelling at your cat is not the answer, they will not respond to it. Let them play and play with them. Much too fast, you will have a full-grown cat on your hands, and you will be missing the entire cute little kitten things that they use to do. Take responsibility; make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into before you bring the cute little ball of fluff home. More times than not kittens get abandoned because the owners weren’t prepaid for how to deal with them.

Let us know below or in the community discussion if you need help with your kitten or how you are doing now.  Kittens can be such fun, but you do have to be prepared for them to be independent and always want to play.  As they get older and grow out of the “kitten phase” then you will experience the more tranquil lap cat that will lay all day in the sun and all night snuggled up in your lap!

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Mikael Rieck

Mikael Rieck is the happy owner of a pet health and insurance site at > where he shares a lot more information on pet health, pet fitness and pet longevity.

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