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The personality of the Beagle dog

There are plenty of dogs you can choose as family pets but if you are currently in the market for a new addition to your family why not consider a Beagle dog? Beagles generally tend to make good family pets because of their friendly, playful nature that works well with adults and children alike. Beagles are intelligent creatures, but like most dogs from the hound family, they also tend to run on the stubborn side.

This can make training and housebreaking a Beagle a bit more challenging than training other breeds of dogs. But once your pup has successfully learned the rules of the house, he is not likely to forget them easily. Beagles have an incredibly keen sense of smell as well, which can contribute to the training challenge, since scents can be an easy distraction for this dog.

It is also why Beagles should never be allowed off leash, unless in their own, fenced backyard. One interesting smell can send him running, and it may be close to impossible for you to round him up again. However, Beagles are also social animals that enjoy spending time with their families, and can bring you many years of fun and enjoyment.

Beagles are not like Golden Retrievers. They do not live their lives to please their masters. A Beagle dog tends to be stubborn and independent by nature, which means that training will require plenty of patience and persistence. Keep in mind that the hard work that you put into training your dog will pay off in great dividends when you end up with a family pet that is a joy for every member of your clan.

If you like to take long, brisk walks daily, then the Beagle will make the perfect companion for you. These dogs tend to be active and enjoy lots of exercise. They also have an instinct to run, particularly if an interesting scent catches their attention. Because of this, it is always best to keep your Beagle dog on his leash or in his fenced backyard. Unless of course the Beagle is found curled up inside the house amid his family.

This will become a Beagle’s most favorite spot of all. The social aspect of your Beagle’s personality will make him crave the companionship of his family, so train him well and he will make a friendly addition to your home.

The Beagle dog will make a wonderful addition to your family provided that you arm yourself with plenty of Beagle information about care and training first. This dog tends to be friendly and social and will enjoy an abundance of interaction with all of the members of his family. Beagles are a good choice of pet in a house with children and adults alike as long as all family members are taught how to care for the dog properly.

Keep in mind that Beagles need plenty of patience and persistence when it comes to training and they will crave time indoors with their families. This is not the dog of choice for someone who is looking for a watchdog that will live primarily out of doors. However, as indoor companions go, a Beagle can be fun and social and will go out of his way to entertain his family with his clown-like antics every day. Beagles are worth every bit of time and effort that will go into training and care because you will reap the rewards of the fun family pet for many years to come.

Michelle Adams

Michelle Adams is an animal owner that is raising multiple house pets. This article gives great information on raising beagle puppies.

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