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A guide to finding the right Mastiff kennels

If you are reading this then finding the right mastiff kennels is a priority for you. Making sure your pet bullmastiff is properly cared for when you are away should be a priority. We have prepared some guidelines to use in finding the right mastiff kennels for selection.

The Plan

The following steps should be the very least criteria you use to gauge when locating a prospective kennel for your mastiff. Don’t forget your rights start with your choice. Even though you aren’t buying the kennel you should treat the decision as if you were.

1) Build A List Of Prospective Kennels. Create a list of phone numbers, addresses and business names of potential kennels. Add a column for “Allows Tours” and “Kennel Condition” to each line of data. Call each kennel on your list and ask them if they will allow you to tour their facility. If they say no then immediately remove them from further consideration.

2) Calculate the Kennel’s cleanliness. This will be done using a scale of one to ten. With ten being the worst and one being the best. Pay special attention to the following:

  • Are the current mastiffs enclosures free of waste and clean? If not add 4 to the cleanliness score
  • Staff’s Cleaning Training Schedule. Find out how often the kennel performs cleaning. If not at least once a day then add 4 to the cleanliness score
  • Does the staff immediately clean up when a dog has a bowel movement? If not add 2 to the cleanliness score

Keeping your mastiff’s health in great shape is also a consequence of keeping them in a clean environment. This process should allow you to develop a semi- objective score. This will be used to eliminate the highest cleanliness scores and get rid of all but the lowest.

3) What Is The Feeding Schedule of the Kennel. Find out their policy regarding special request. This is important in determining if you can bring your mastiffs own food to the kennel.

4) Is Medical Care Provided. If the kennel is not associated with a vet then one should be on call. A rudimentary level of medical training should be provided by the staff.


Eliminating the kennels with cleanliness issues will still leave you with a choice to make. Your choice should be based on price and services. If you utilize all the information you have gathered then you can ensure that you have made the best choice for finding the right mastiff kennels.

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