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Scat cat litter odor with fine pine

There are a number of products on the shelves which cater to the pet cat population. One very popular product is the ‘cat litter’ product, or simply cat litter. It is a material that is placed inside a litter box to catch the pet cat’s droppings. The material prevents the box from getting soiled by absorbing the urine and trapping the solid dropping. The cat litter is very similar to ordinary dirt, to take advantage of the cat’s natural predilection to cover up its droppings.

The cat owner removes and refreshes the cat litter from the box every day. The used litter is disposed off in the garbage. There is just one problem – as long as the box is inside the house, there is a terrible stench that pervades the house! The odor goes only when the cat litter goes. This is a serious sore point with cat owners. Now a very enterprising producer has come up with a novel idea – pine cat litter! His litter is made up of pine pellets. The natural odor of pine masks the smell of the cat’s droppings remarkably well.

The shelf price of this new variety of cat litter is twice that of traditional varieties of cat litter. But the new product proves to be cost effective since it absorbs twice the amount of moisture compared to the ordinary variety. So there is really no increase in your monthly expenditure on this account.

The acceptance of pine cat litter is still an issue, not by the owners but by the cat itself. Cats are reluctant to use the pine cat litter because the ‘feel’ is unnatural. The pellets tend to be a little rough on the cat’s paws. The cat’s acceptance or rejection of pine cat litter will be the sole deciding factor in the success of pine cat litter in the market.

But “show me a problem, and I’ll show you a solution” seems to be in my blood! My suggestion is to replace a handful of your usual cat litter with a handful of pine cat litter. Watch your cat’s reaction. If he shows reluctance than continue with a handful of pine cat litter. If he appears to be getting used to it, increase the portion of pine cat litter from one handful to two handfuls, simultaneously reducing the portion of ordinary litter by a similar amount. Continue at this level, till your cat gets used to it and uses the box without a fuss. Now up the portion of pine cat litter. Do this until the whole cat litter is 100% pine cat litter. Of course, if Tabby is not persuaded to convert to pine, then you’ll just have to put up with the odor of the mess, that’s all!

If the odor from the cat’s litter is driving you round the bend, and you’ve made up your mind to use pine cat litter, then do what many other owners are doing. Fill the litter box with pine cat litter, and then put down a surface layer of your cat’s favorite litter. This way, your cat is satisfied and so are you!

Another area of concern is that the cats are sometimes put off by the piney smell of the litter! Strange how the cat can put up with the odor of its mess but wrinkles up its nose at pine! If this is the case with your cat then you’ll have to put up with the high stench of the cat’s litter anyway. Just for your information: the pine litter is fully detoxified and so it is safe for the cat to use.

There is an environmental advantage in using pine cat litter. It can be composted once the cat’s solid waste is removed. The composted litter can be put to use as manure for gardens, instead of adding to the ever-growing landfill of garbage.

Whether pine cat litter makes its way into your house on a permanent basis depends entirely on your cat! If your cat converts to pine then you’re home free, to a home free from that awful stench! On the other hand, if your cat gives pine cat litter a paws down, then you’ll just have to grin and bear it!

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