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All about the miniature Poodle Standard

The Miniature Poodle is the middle sized of the three American Kennel
Club Poodle types. (A fourth Poodle type – the Teacup Poodle – is not
recognized). All Poodle types are considered the same breed – the
Poodle. The Standard (or biggest) Poodle is the oldest of the
variations. But because they were so big and active, a smaller version
was wanted for those who lived in smaller homes.

The Humane League of the United States estimates that twenty-five
percent of all abandoned animals are purebreds. So, the odds of that
shelter dog being a purebred Miniature Poodle are pretty high.

The miniature Poodle is between eleven and fifteen inches high at the
withers (highest point of the shoulder) and is only about fifteen to
seventeen pounds. In comparison, a Standard Poodle is at least fifteen
inches in height and weighs an average of fifty pounds.

The best way to compare the shelter dog and the Miniature Poodle breed
standard is to look at the dog’s profile. The head should have a
rounded or more domes top of the skull than most other breeds of dogs.
The muzzle should be lean and somewhat pointed. The teeth should meet
in a scissors bite. They eyes should be dark brown, but lighter shades
of brown do occur. The ears should be floppy, rounded at the end and
stay close to the head.

Their long and strong bodies have a level spine (called a topline in
the dog show world), although some pet-quality Miniature Poodles will
have a topline that slopes down to their hindquarters. The tail and
head are naturally held high. The feet are oval in shape, although
pet-quality Miniature Poodles will have splayed feet. The overall look
of the dog is that all of the body parts should be in proportion to
each other.

All official Poodle information says that the Miniature Poodle is solid
colored only, but pet quality animals may have two colors on the same
body. Their trot is lively and they seem to always be looking around
for admirers. This is a dog that loves the paparazzi (or should I say,
pupperazzi?) Poodle types are considered the second most intelligent
dog breed in the world, just after the Border Collie.

The breed standard for any dog breed is an ideal representation of the
breed, not necessarily based on any living example. But the breed
standards can act as a good general guide for identifying dogs in

They don’t seem to care whatever clip they are given. Miniature Poodles
are long lived (some have reached twenty) and is one of the more
healthy breeds of smaller dogs available.

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