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Buying Bulldog puppies

American Bulldog puppies are beloved by many owners of American Pit Bull Terriers. The breeds are close cousins and share similarities in size and overall appearance. Because American Pit Bulls have been banned in many places, American Bulldogs have become a popular replacement breed. Though Bulldogs were once bred to be aggressive, the breed does not have the bad reputation of the Pit Bull. American Bulldogs are also related to, but completely different than, French and English Bulldogs.

The history of the Bulldog begins in England. Bulldogs descended from the Old English Bulldog – a breed now extinct. French and English Bulldogs were bred with Pugs down to a smaller, compact size. The American Bulldog retains the closest resemblance to the original Old English Bulldog.

European immigrants brought Bulldogs to America. An American, John D. Johnson, bred these Bulldogs to retain the size and strength of original Old English Bulldogs-an extinct breed. American Bulldogs puppies are bred in many countries today.

Buyers of American Bulldog puppies have John D. Johnson to thank for the very existence of the breed, and his protg, Alan Scott, also helped maintain the existence of the American Bulldog. These two men split and bred two separate types of American Bulldogs, Scott, or Standard, American Bulldogs and Johnson American Bulldogs. Scott/Johnson hybrids are also popular among American Bulldog breeders.

Buyers must realize that there are many illegitimate breeders trying to cash in on the breed's rising popularity. Questionable methods are used by many breeders to sell uncertified dogs that may have health or behavioral issues.

Buyers should ask for references from breeders and should have thorough knowledge of the American Bulldog breed so that they know what to look for in puppies and what questions to ask the breeder. Puppies should never be purchased from pet stores, as good breeders would not allow this breed to be sold to inexperienced buyers.

Along with asking for references and tips on care and grooming, buyers of American Bulldog puppies should ask breeders what Bulldog puppy supplies are needed prior to bringing puppies home. It is important that dog owners have their homes set up for new additions so that puppies can feel comfortable and secure in their new environment. Good breeders may even provide a list of puppy supplies and may recommend brands of food, certain grooming products, training manuals and special chew toys to help discipline and occupy bulldog puppies.

Besides getting puppy supply tips from breeders, buyers should also make sure that their breeder is well informed about the breed. Breeders should be able to answer all questions buyers have about caring for and raising American Bulldog puppies. Breeders should be able to provide puppy medical records including immunization history and screening results for common genetic disorders, pedigree and certification, and a warranty or guarantee against illness.

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