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Yorkies and the information you need

Yorkies are making their way into the homes and hearts of more and more people every year as many people are beginning to see what this entire breed has to offer. This animal is extremely fun loving and gets along well with other animals or pets that may be currently in the home or that you would bring home later.

Beware that this fearless little, yet very sturdy dog, is able to win your heart no matter what.

This small dog, who only weighs in at about five or six pounds and is the perfect size to be carried around in a book bag or doggy purse. And they certainly do eat up that attention, as this dog’s personality is extremely outgoing and certainly loves to live the pampered life. Their lively spirit is a wonderful addition to just about any home as they are lovely but also independent at the same time.


Even though most people would not expect it, these little pups make excellent guard dogs, as they will be the first to announce a stranger at the door. Yorkies love their family and treasure their home so it is no wonder that so many people decide to make them apart of their home and lives. With their outgoing nature, you will never regret bringing this puppy into your life, your home, and into your heart.

Even though it seems like Yorkies would get along with everyone, they tend to dislike small children. It is generally the fast and unswift movements made by children that can scare off the Yorkies. Remember, Yorkies are small in size and the way a child looks when he or she is jumping towards them must be a scary experience. When in fear of a child, it would not be uncommon for them to bite at the child, which could cause physical and emotional damage.

And it is also because of their independence that they are sometimes hard to get house broken. Some people have experienced that Yorkies take a great deal more time and patience to housebreak.

And in some cases, Yorkies have been known to bite children who unintentionally scared them out of their wits. This could be a very traumatizing experience for both the child and the Yorkie so it is best to just keep them apart.

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