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Avoiding fake Beagle breeders

Beagles are not inexpensive when you buy them from a breeder and when you buy from Beagle breeders there are certain ways that you can tell if they are legitimate or not. You always want to make sure that you are buying your Beagle from a reputable and honest Beagle breeder because an unscrupulous breeder will try and sell you a potentially unhealthy animal, which can become a large problem down the road when you and your family may be faced with expensive vet bills and tough decisions.

A sure fire way to weed out the fake Beagle breeders from the legitimate ones is to ask about free pet insurance for after you bring your Beagle home. Legitimate breeders are offered free pet insurance to give to buyers that affords coverage for six weeks after the sale in the hopes that you will extend the insurance after the six weeks is up. If your breeder is not willing to give you signed proof of insurance, or if you check out the insurance and it is not valid, you probably have a fake breeder.

When you have your new Beagle home from the Beagle breeder’s you and your breeder should not lose contact with each other. A good breeder will be available to a Beagle owner at all times for consultation and to answer any questions that may come up about your Beagle.

If you are calling your Beagle breeder and they don’t answer the phone, don’t return your calls, or will not answer your questions then the chances are that you have yourself a fake breeder.

For first time Beagle owners the Beagle breeders are an invaluable resource for finding out the correct care and feeding instructions for your new Beagle. The legitimate breeders build their business based on their reputation and it is important for them to be helpful. The good breeders will send home samples of food that should be fed to your new Beagle so that you know what you are supposed to be feeding your dog. If your breeder is not offering any care or feeding instructions then you probably have a fake breeder.

As was mentioned earlier you and your breeder should always be in contact with each other throughout a large portion of your Beagle’s life. If your Beagle becomes ill, or if you find that you can no longer care and keep your Beagle, then a legitimate Beagle breeder will offer to take the Beagle back. A Beagle breeder lives on a helpful and professional reputation and this is just one of the above and beyond services any legitimate breeder will offer.

There really is not a lot you can do if you begin to realize a fake Beagle breeder has duped you. You can report them to the National Kennel Club in the hopes that the breeder scams no one else and then also report him to the local chapter of the humane society so that any potential cruelty can be investigated.

But aside from suing there is not much you can do and that is why you should never buy a Beagle from a breeder that is not in good standing with the National Kennel Club.

Michelle Adams

Michelle Adams is an animal owner that is raising multiple house pets. This article gives great information on raising beagle puppies.

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