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Raising your labrador pup

A Labrador puppy is very much like a small child. They need a lot of time, attention and patience. There will be times when you haven't a clue as to what you are doing. This is normal. But not finding out about proper Labrador puppy care is a mistake if you want to truly enjoy your new addition. A sweet little chubby Labrador pup quickly turns into a heavy, over exuberant dog that can weigh an average of sixty-five pounds.

Labrador puppies are discovering the world for the very first time. Get down on your hands and knees to get a puppy's eye view of your home. Puppies explore the world with their mouths. They will give in to temptation. Remove anything you don't want the puppy to destroy.

Leave things that are okay to chew, like toys or Nylabones, for the inquisitive mouth. And be patient and persistent. Dogs aren't dumb, but they need to learn in their own time. Repetition over time is a great puppy teacher.

It's never too early to begin training. Keep training sessions short (only a few minutes long), do several every day and end a session with a lot of praise. Keep your Lab pup's attention on you by randomly treating or praising when the puppy looks at your face. Never hit your puppy (and you will be tempted). Growling or speaking harshly makes the puppy know he or she has made you upset. By observing your Labrador puppy closely, you will begin to know when they are thinking of doing something you don't want to do.

Burn up some of your puppy's energy with daily walks and play sessions. Neutering or spaying will also keep your Labrador well behaved and looking to you for all good things. Labrador puppy care includes regular check ups with your vet. You don't want to over work your puppy (say, going for ten mile jogs a day) when the bones are still growing. Your vet can help you work out a proper exercise regime and diet.

You can use up some of a Labrador puppy's boundless curiosity by making sure they cannot get their mouths on anything they can eat. Puppies explore the world with their mouths – just like babies. But if you leave proper chew toys within reach, they will have a positive outlet for their energy. Praise them for using the toys they are supposed to use. Never hit your puppy – a loud reprimand is more than enough to make your point.

Everyone in your home needs to use the same commands in order to help raise a good-natured Labrador pup, it's no good having mom and dad insist the dog stay off of the beds if the kids encourage the dog into their beds.

This can get confusing. Labs, for all their intelligence, can easily get confused. But since Labrador puppies adore food, they will learn what they can in order to get special treats. Reserve a really special treat just for training.

Keeping your Lab on a sensible diet and regular exercise will keep him from getting too hyper. This is a breed that needs to be active every day in order to keep from going insane.

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