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How to choose the right Bulldog puppy

Everyone knows the Bulldog breed. In fact it has been a favorite among people for at least a hundred years. The British originally used the Bulldog as a fighting dog to help protect their livestock. When bullfighting was popular the Bulldog became a quick favorite because of their strong bite. Their characteristically large head and strong, square build helps to give them their solid and muscular build. Their strong bite comes from their strong and undershot jaw and their strong appearance comes from their short and square muzzle.

However, English Bulldog puppies are actually gentle towards their owners despite their ferocious look and dominant personality. There are a few aspects of this breed that you should consider before deciding if English Bulldog puppies are right for you and your household. Since everyone is different and every dog is different it is important that you choose a breed and dog that matches what you are looking for.

English Bulldog puppies have a very patient and tolerant attitude, which makes them excellent with children. In fact the Bulldog has become one of the best breeds for people with children over the years. Often the breed will play with children and does not get easily irritated or complain should the child accidentally hurt them.

Although the opposite is true when it comes to strangers and other dogs, this is when the Bulldog is both tenacious and dominant. If English Bulldog puppies want something they will pursue it persistently and aggressively. This dominant trait is always displayed even if the Bulldog is in the territory or presence of another dog. This means dog fights can happen if you don't maintain full control of English Bulldog puppies.

Therefore, those who want a guard dog should probably get a Bulldog. They will definitely scare off intruders with their ferocious look and aggressive attitude. Although they aren't for those who want a dog that will warn them since they usually don't bark or give a warning before attacking.

The tolerant behavior of English Bulldog puppies also has some disadvantages. Because of this behavior you will have to be very perceptive to your dogs feelings otherwise they can become very sick before you have a chance to treat the condition. English Bulldog puppies don't easily express themselves whether they are injured, feeling ill, thirsty, hungry or simply cold and often won't let you know something is wrong.

Also English Bulldog puppies have a high sense of right and wrong which means that if they believe they are unjustly punished they will sulk for days. It can be difficult dealing with headstrong English Bulldog puppies if you don't have energy and patience.

Instead you may want to consider a more placid and less dominant dog. Just remember that these are general temperaments and all dogs are different so you might still find the perfect Bulldog for you.

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