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The Bull Terrier; The facts about the Boston and Kerry Blue dogs

People who own pets know the importance of training. Having a well-behaved pet increases the enjoyment for you both. Having a well-behaved pet means that you can have more fun with that pet.

Regarding the living conditions, Boston terriers can do well enough without a yard as long as they get regular exercise. This means that they are suitable for apartment living. However, you should also know that they are very sensitive to the extremes of weather. This means that you should keep it in a place that’s neither too hot nor too cold.

Unlike other terrier breeds, the Boston terrier is an average shedder. This means that you should be wary of keeping it indoors as it can shed fur over your floor. We all know how much of a fiasco that can be.

Some information regarding the Kerry Blue Terrier Dog

One legend speaks of a wrecked Russian ship that contained a blue dog. This dog swam into Irish shores and there, mated with the local terrier population. This, of course, started the genetic pool of blue Kerry terriers.

There are some terrier characteristics which may cause a bit of trouble for your dog. Like all terriers, the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog can get into fights with other dogs. In order to prevent this, you need to make sure that the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is properly socialized. Usually this is done by the breeder.

Most people, when they are getting a pet often ask the question of whether or not a pet can be housebroken easily. Thankfully enough, the Blue Kerry terrier pet dog has a disposition that is easily house trained. The Blue Kerry terrier pet dog is actually quite eager to learn. This means that you will be able to train it very quickly. Although a Blue Kerry terrier can become an excellent playmate for children, it must be taken that the children do not show any cruelty to the dog.

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