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How To Keep Your Dog Happy While You’re At Work

No matter how many times you repeat the ritual, the ending results will be the same – crying, squealing, scratching the door and begging you to come back home. Until dogs grasp the concept of capitalism, it’ll remain impossible to explain to your puppy that you’re not abandoning it every time you leave for work. And while it breaks your heart seeing your furry companion so devastated, you need to grit your teeth and come with some innovative and fresh ideas that’ll help you keep your best friend happy while you’re away. These few tips just might give you a proper insight on where to start.

Keep Your Cool

First and foremost, it’ll be necessary to make certain adjustments to behaviour… both your puppies and yours. While parting with your dog every day can be quite overwhelming and stressful, it’s necessary not to make the experience even more difficult than it already is. Dogs are emotional beings and are quite prone to anxiety and nervousness. If you spend a long period of time saying goodbye to your puppy, it could result in separation anxiety, which will make the situation even worse. In order to avoid this, the best solution is not to make a big deal when leaving and exit the house as you’re walking out with an intention of coming back momentarily. It’ll help your puppy gradually get used to your absence, making it easier to control its emotions the next time you decide to leave. This also applies to the moment you come back home. Try not to create a red carpet event every time you get back from work, as it’ll make your dog more anxious.

Doggy Day-Care

keep your dog happy

A doggy day-care is just as it sounds – a facility which cares for your furry friend while you’re away at work or some other business. This is a great option if your dog is friendly and likes spending time with other puppies. Another good option to try is hiring a dog walker to take your puppy for a quick tour around the neighbourhood. This won’t keep your friend occupied the whole time you’re away, but it’ll give them a chance to catch a breath of fresh air, go for a toilet break, stretch their legs and also enjoy the company of another human being.

Let Them Blow Off Some Steam

Puppy exercise and play with ball

Another great method which could help keep your dog, if not happy, then at least peaceful and relaxed. Try to create a daily ritual of exercising with your puppy before you leave for work. Regular exercise will benefit both you and your dog, but it’ll also give you a chance to get your best friend tired. This can significantly help you decrease your dog’s destructive habits and give your companion a chance to get a well-deserved meal and fair amount of time to rest until you come home.

Keep Them Busy

dog happy

Lastly, if you really don’t know how to keep your pet happy while you’re not there, the best you can do is keep them entertained. Make use of some fun puppy toys and interesting pet accessories and create an interactive polygon to keep your dog occupied. There’s a variety of toys from which you can choose from, but it’s best to pick those that’ll improve your dog’s cognitive abilities and problem solving skills. You can always use food-dispensing toys so your puppy would get a treat after they successfully finish a task.

Saying goodbye to your furry friend doesn’t always have to end up in tears…from any side. Before your next trip to work, make sure to give your pet a chance to try some of these tricks to keep them entertained and happy while you’re absent. Soon enough your daily trips to work are going to be an excuse for your dog to throw an awesome dog-friendly party.

Emma Hannah Lawson

Emma is a teacher, constantly improving her skills both as a teacher and as a parent. She is passionate about writing and learning new things that can help you to lead a quality life. You can follow her on Twitter @EmmahLawson

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