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The American guard dog: The American Staffordshire Terrier (Staffie)

The American Staffordshire Terrier (Staffie) is the descendant of bull fighting dogs from the 18th century. In Staffordshire, England, a Bullterrier breed was developed by crossing Bulldogs with other terrier breeds. This breeding resulted to the Staffordshire Terrier, a well-muscled, energetic and combative dog breed.

The Staffordshire Terrier was a famous contender in the violent and bloody sport of bull baiting and bear baiting. However, when this event was illegalized in the United Kingdom, breeders brought their Staffordshire Terriers to the United States and there many developments occurred in order to soften the fighting abilities of these dogs. This breeding process often included other dog breeds and two of the results were the current American Staffordshire Terrier (Staffie) and American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT).

This new breeding in the US produced a dog that possessed a more powerful head and heavier weight than the Staffordshire Terrier. Its offspring the American Staffordshire Terrier (Staffie) and American Pit Bull Terrier became the show dog and the fighting dog respectively. Today, these two strains are considered as two separate breeds by the American Kennel Club.

The Staffie and APBT relatively have the same gentle qualities and are considered as great pets of many families today. Both breeds are great as watchdogs, guard dogs, police dogs and even weight pullers. Compared to their British cousin, the Staffordshire Terrier, the Staffie and APBT are comparably larger and heavier.

As a family companion, the Staffie is a happy, easy going, stable and confident dog. Towards the family that owns it, this dog is loving and caring. To its master, this dog is extremely loyal, affectionate and gentle.

This dog is obedient, eager to please and protective of the master. Subsequently, this dog is intelligent and very courageous and does not mind facing an enemy in order to protect the master and his property. Towards other animals and humans, the Staffie can become accustomed to them if socialized at a very young age.

The body of the Staffie is well-muscled, compact and very strong. Its appearance manifests strength and power through its broad and powerful head, strong jaws and short muzzle. On the average, the weight of this dog falls between 57 to 67 pounds and the height 16 to 19 inches.

The coat of the Staffie is short, dense and smooth. The coat colors can be any combination of white and any other colors as long as white is dominant by 80%. Additionally, this dog needs daily exercise in order to remain healthy mentally and physically.

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