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The Bull Terrier – being the best-loved pet of the blue bloods

The Bull Terrier or also known as the English Terrier is a breed of dog that originated from England. In Africa, people call this breed the Varkhond meaning pig dog and this is due to the fact that the Bull Terrier’s head and eyes resemble that of a pig. Another theory is that during the time of bush-pig and warthog hunting in South Africa, Bull Terriers were mostly used as companions.

The Bull Terrier has its roots from the “Bull and Terrier” crossbreeds of the 18th century. These crossbreeds were primarily developed to be aggressive, fearless and dexterous in the middle of bull baiting and bear baiting. Bull baiting and bear baiting were the favorite bloody past times in mid-18th century England and they were so popular that even the nobles and royals attend the fights.

In 1830, breeders decided to develop a dog that is more agile and fearless in attacking the gigantic bears and bulls. Crossing the Bulldog, Old English Terrier and Spanish Pointer, the Bull Terrier was born. However, this breed came out as not an excellent fighter inside the arena.

However, although not as popular in the fighting pit, the Bull Terrier became famous as a fashionable pet. People as high as the aristocrats became fancier of this breed and sometimes this breed can be seen as guard dogs, watch dogs and vermin catcher. Presently, the fanciers can also enjoy a miniature of the Bull Terrier called Miniature Bull Terrier.

This breed is a compact and well-proportioned dog. It is easily recognizable for its uniquely egg-shaped head. This means that this dog has a head that is flat and wider on top and narrows down towards the nose.

The eyes of the Bull Terrier are almond-shaped, small, dark and closely placed beside each other. The coat is short, dense and skintight. The coat can be colored in black, brindle, pure white, red, fawn and tri-color.

The Bull Terrier possesses great strength and sometimes it can be less tractable. However, it is bright, dependable and playful. It loves to be with humans, loving to the family, and especially good with children.

The female Bull Terriers are especially protective of younger children. This dog is active and a bit rough but gets along well with other animals. To keep the Bull Terrier healthy, exercise everyday is necessary.

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