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Are Daschunds the right small dog for your family, if you have children?

Dachshunds are derived from the oldest breed of German hunting dogs. As a member of the hound group, they were originally bred to hunt badgers and small game. Their small bodies allow them to excel at hunting small rodents such as rabbits, mice, and woodchucks. They are very active dogs that have a lot of stamina and will chase prey for a surprisingly long period of time.

Dachshunds have three coat varieties: smooth, long haired, and wire haired.

Smooth dachshunds are most apt to attach themselves to one person and are usually more distant with strangers. They are most often found in a reddish-brown color and easily cleaned with a damp cloth, as their coat is short, shiny, and smooth. A quick brush weekly with a soft natural bristle or hound glove is enough for this breed.

Wire haired dachshunds, with the exception of the jaw, ears, and eyebrows, are covered with a short, thick, rough, hard outer coat, with the finer, more softer hair underneath. A regular brushing and trimming twice a year is basically all they need. They are easily mistaken as another breed, as they are the least common of the three coats. Wire haired dachshunds are more outgoing than the short hairs and very energetic.

The long haired dachshund looks so much different than the wire haired. They don’t look like they even belong in the same breed. With the long haired dachshunds sleek, shiny, and elegant coat, they require more brushing, at least once a day. They have a sweet personality and tend to be more relaxed.

Dachshunds make wonderful family pets and are an extremely devoted breed. Some dachshunds, on the other hand, may snap at younger children, especially those from other families. However, older children understand the importance of how to approach dogs better than younger kids. Dachshunds also like to act BIG, especially around bigger dogs!

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