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How to breed dogs

Dogs are called man’s best friend, probably due to their vicious loyalty to their masters. As dogs have been domesticated around 15,000 years ago, it makes the dog a perfect pet. There are various dog breeds such as Terrier and Mastiff, and dog types. These two terms should not be used interchangeably as dog type means to categorize the animals by the role it performs. Allowing specifically chosen types of dogs to mate in order to get puppies with particular qualities is referred to as the practice of breeding dogs.

The characteristics of the offspring are left for nature to decide when dogs reproduce without human intervention. Thus, many domestic dog owners would be breeding dogs to obtain an improved new generation of dogs. However, breeding dogs is a rather complicated job. It’s vital that you have a good idea of the intended purpose, genetics and the health condition of the dog in question so that breeding dogs could be done in a fruitful manner. In addition, dog breeders normally record the birth of puppies in stud books of associations such as kennel clubs, where the data regarding the dog including, the dog’s lineage and special achievements are recorded. The American Kennel Club (AKC) is one such famous organization.

Properly maintaining data about dogs is vital for breeding dogs. Once an owner is in possession of data regarding the dog, he/she could analyze them and determine what traits could be expected and what should be avoided. The dog breeder may also have to determine whether to inbreed or to outcross. In addition, there are certain rules and regulations that have to be adhered to when breeding dogs. According to the breed, kennel club and country these regulations may vary. Generally, the rules are designed for the betterment of a certain breed or several dog breeds and dog breeders have to stick to the laws of an association to be recruited in their breed programs. In addition, these rules may include various tests to determine the health and working qualities of the dog, and would also include an evaluation by an expert breeder.

Although breeding dogs is a very famous thing, there are specific groups who resist and condemn the practice. Animal rights groups charge that most breeders are merely concerned about the profit and state that such individuals have no regard of the wellbeing of the animal and thus breeding dogs for purpose of selling is unethical. In addition inbreeding has also been criticized as this may cause the natural hereditary disorders of the dogs to continue into new generations.

Thus, breeding dogs could be considered a very delicate matter. A comprehensive knowledge is required by anyone who wishes to perform it.

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