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Wonderful dogs for city living

I’ll never give up my life in the city. At the same time, I’ll never go against the advice of those who say that dogs don’t belong in cities. I simply love them too much and couldn’t imagine life without one.

When it comes to owning a dog in a city apartment, some challenges definitely arise. You’re forced to walk your dog regularly, as there’s no area outside for your pet to freely roam around in. The bathroom becomes an issue as well.

Because of the limitations that you’ll find in cities, some dogs simply adapt to the settings more effectively than others. I’m going to share a few great dogs that may very well love life in the big city.

Many people choose to own Dachshunds in their apartments. There are several reasons that they make great city pets. For one, they’re small so they won’t feel restricted by smaller spaces. They’re also indoor creatures, so they don’t feel the need to be outside like other breeds might.

An extremely all around friendly breed is the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. These are some of the most loving breeds around and they’re especially great with children. While they do just fine inside apartments, they do need some time to run around outside too.

If you want to go with something bigger, consider a Greyhound. Even though their incredible speed would lead you to believe that they need to spend a lot of time outside, they happen to be one of the lower energy breeds out there.

These dogs are extremely fast when they run, but they love nothing more than laying down inside. They’re also known to be extremely quiet, which is definitely something you’ll want to keep in mind since you’ll have people living nearby.

Lastly, no conversation would be complete without mentioning the mutt. By taking in a rescue dog, you’ll literally be saving the life of a dog who may have otherwise been put to sleep.


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