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About Labrador grooming

Just because they have short hair doesn't mean that Labrador Retrievers don't have to be groomed on a regular basis, because they do. Daily grooming sessions should include removing the dead hair from the dog's coat with a short haired rake, an inspection of the dog's ears to make sure they aren't infected, a quick glance at the dog's feet to make sure that the pads aren't cut and a brush with a firm bristle brush.

Most of the owners decide that grooming is the most reasonable option. The good news is that Labrador grooming doesn't have to be a heinous chore, that it can actually be a relaxing way to spend time bonding with their pet. Daily grooming can also be an excellent way to detect and prevent any ear and skin infections their Labrador might be developing.

It never ceases to amaze Labrador dog owners how much their dog hates to be bathed. The typical Labrador loves the water; lake water, ocean water, pond water, even skuzzy ditch water, they just can't seem to get enough of it. It often seems like the more disgusting the water the more the Labrador likes it! However pull a hose out, or fill the bathtub with water and your water loving Labrador becomes a bundle of nerves. Unfortunately the occasional bath is essential during Labrador grooming.

The equipment that should be stored in your Labrador's grooming kit includes nail clippers, a bristle brush, a short-haired rake and a narrow and wide toothed comb. You should bear in mind that you have all of these grooming items in case you need them and that just because you have them doesn't mean you have to use them every time you groom you Labrador.

When you have removed all the dead hair from your dog, you should then use a brush with short firm bristles to brush your dog's coat. While the brush is smoothing the dog's hair it will also collect the dog's natural oils from its skin and deposit the oil on the hair shaft, giving the hair a healthy glow. A gleaming dog is a sign of successful Labrador grooming.

When you first get your Labrador retriever you will find that your dog is more interested in playing then being groomed. Although the bouncing around and chewing on the brushes is perfectly natural for a young puppy it often ties the patience of the person who is actually grooming the dog. Unfortunately the only way to improve your dog's manners while it is being groomed is to keep persevering.

You should also check for any cuts or scrapes that might be hidden by hair. If you find any injuries they should be treated immediately. After treating the injury keep a careful eye on it until it has healed. The other thing you want to feel for is any scaly skin or signs of heat, as these could be indicators of a skin infection. If you think that your Labrador is starting to develop a skin infection you should contact your veterinarian.

The best way to prevent an ear infection from starting is to take a warm, moist, washcloth and wipe the residue from the flesh. It doesn't have to be done everyday, just a couple of times a week.

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