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Home cooked dog food is easier to make than you think

Many pet owners want the best for their animals, in particular the kind of food that they are being fed. They search for healthy foods for their pets but it can often be confusing or impossible to decide the good from the bad. More people are providing home cooked dog food for their pets, rather than use commercial foods, especially after the recent rash of recalled commercial dog food stories in the papers and on television.

Although not all dog foods are bad, some commercially available dog food can contain some rather undesirable ingredients, such as artificial colors and fillers. But you can make sure that your pet never eats these types of ingredients and that he is getting all the nutrition he needs by cooking your own dog food at home. Your home cooked dog food will contain only the ingredients youve selected to put into it, so you can be sure that your dog is getting only quality, human grade meat, vegetables and grains.

Not so long ago it was commonplace for pets to eat food prepared at home. Then pet owners started to depend on the ease of opening a can or box of factory made dog food products. But, contrary to what you might think, preparing home cooked dog food yourself is actually not an inconvenience.

Should you decide to prepare home cooked dog food, you may find it convenient to cook for your family and your dog at the same time. Human grade ingredients are used in the preparation of home cooked dog food recipes, so it is not necessary to use different dishes, pans or utensils when cooking for both. To save time, you may find it convenient to prepare batches of food in quantity, then freeze or refrigerate the extra portions.

Since a dog's nutritional needs can vary depending on breed, you should always talk to your vet before starting to feed your dog a home cooked diet.  A vet will not only be able to advise you on your dog's nutritional needs but may also have vitamins or other nutritional supplements that they recommend be added to your home cooked dog food. Consulting with a vet first is the best way to ensure that the food you're feeding your dog is the most appropriate and best for them.

If you want your pet to be happy and full of energy, you should think about making the change to home cooked dog food. If you are training your pet, you may find that he is more attentive and responsive to your training as he can concentrate more. The small expenditure of effort it will cost will more than pay off in your dog's added energy, improved health, and potentially increased life expectancy.

You may enjoy cooking for your dog; not only are there are a fair number of home cooked dog food recipes on the market — some people even consider it a hobby! Why not try making some home cooked treats? Your dog will love it and you will love knowing that he is getting fresh and nutritious food.

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