Simple obedience techniques for puppies

Getting a puppy is an exciting time for both the family and the puppy. When…

Friendly training methods to communicate with your dog

Many people become frustrated with a dog that just won't listen. They want to understand…

At what age can your puppy enter school?

Socializing puppies at an early age can prevent many adult dog behavior problems. Enrolling a…

5 tips on housebreaking your new puppy

Puppies can be a lot of fun, they're cute and cuddly and positively adorable. However,…

DIY dog grooming: What you need

Many pet owners are discovering that it is far more convenient to do their own…

Tips on how to utilize proper dog training techniques

As most pet parents can attest, dogs are both amiable and feisty. These two seemingly…

Advantages of using organic dog shampoo

It seems to go without saying that people who tend to be very planet conscience…

What makes a great rescue dog?

Rescue dogs are frequently used to aid in finding missing people, whether in avalanche areas…

How to help your dog with itchy skin

Dog allergies are fairly common and can be the cause of dry, itchy skin. If…

What to do for a dog with separation anxiety

Just like people, dogs have separation anxiety. As for what causes it, there are many.…