Walking a dog on a harness

A lot of people like the say the phrase "You can't teach an old dog…

Breed specific dog collars

Dog collars can be customized to fit your specific style or need. One fun way…

Some easy ways to approach training your dog

A well trained dog is like a well-behaved child. They are wonderful! The same applies…

A simple overview of potty training for puppies

Your daughter is playing with one of your neighbor's new Golden Retriever pups and wears…

Is your dog troublesome – Then get a bark collar

I can't think of a more infuriating thing than that of a dog woofing for…

How to housebreak a puppy – Part 2

Puppy Housebreaking Rule #1: Want to know the key to housebreaking a puppy fast? Here…

How to housebreak a puppy – Part 1

When it comes to housebreaking a puppy, you need to make sure to start potty…

Stop dog jumping

If you have ever owned a dog, one time or another you have probably dealt…

What is cat furniture and why is it good

You can finally rid yourself of scratches from your cats upon the furniture in your…

Wonderful dogs for city living

I'll never give up my life in the city. At the same time, I'll never…