Teaching the dog to come when called

One of the benefits of obedience training is enhancing the bond between master and pet.…

Why can’t dogs eat grapes?

The harmless-looking grapes are one of the human foods that must not be given to…

House training a dog

House training, house breaking, potty training or toilet training refers to teaching the dog when…

What will happen to a dog that eats chocolates

Chocolates are comfort foods for humans but these products derived from the seeds of the…

Pain relief for dogs

Among all pets, dogs are possibly the ones given the most love and attention. Dogs…

What to do if the dog eats chocolate

You thought of giving the girlfriend a puppy for your 1st month's anniversary. Together with…

How to manage dog aggression

Aggression is a part of a dog's nature. Being pack animals, dogs have to be…

How to get rid of dog dander

Dogs are wonderful pets to have around but an allergic reaction to dog dander will…

Getting rid of dog hair

Dogs are the most popular companion animals as more than 37% of households have a…

Why is a dog’s nose cold?

Dogs are highly valued not only for their loyal and affectionate nature but also for…