Clothes for your stylish dog

The dog clothing market is huge. People used to buy dog clothes for a specific…

All about dog kennels

A dog kennel is a great way for your dog or dogs to spend time…

Large breed dogs that make great family pets

There are many breeds of large lovable dogs that make wonderful family pets. They are…

Hot weather tips to keep your pet safe

Dogs, like people, feel the heat so it is their human companion’s job to ensure…

Special pet care needs for older dogs

The average lifespan for most dogs is between eight and sixteen years. Some breeds age…

Different personalities of small dog breeds

Once you have decided that you are going to get a small dog, it is…

How to break down the different dog breed types

Of the approximately four hundred breeds of dog in the world, there are only 146…

Basic dog care information

Dogs are not only part of your family but the most loyal and loving companions…

Top grooming tips for do-it-yourself dog owners

There are a few tricks of the trade that all professional groomers use to give…

All about therapy dogs

More and more therapist, doctors and mental health professionals are becoming aware of the wonderful…