Bloat in dogs

A lot of people do not know about bloating in dogs—and few of us are…

Asprin toxicity in your cat

When many of us think of Aspirin, we think of a very common medication that…

Dogs and cats need healthy teeth and gums

Your pet’s dental care is important; it is an integral part of your pet's health.…

Your best friend can be trained too

Do you have a best friend? Is your best friend your dog? Dogs have earned…

Hyperthyroidism in cats

Veterinarians tell us that hyperthyroidism is very common type of hormonal disorder seen in older…

Medicine toxicity in cats

Vet professionals can provide pet owners with ample amounts of information regarding pet health—it is…

Dogs and kennel cough

One of the most common respiratory infections in dogs is Infectious tracheobronchitis, which is also…

Car safety for dogs

Car rides for a lot of dogs are an enjoyable experience. Lots of dogs get…

Inappropriate elimination in felines

For cat owners, feline inappropriate elimination (urinating or defecating outside of the litter box) is…