How many cat litter boxes do you need?

The number of cat litter boxes available for your kitties is another key to good…

Cat litter box location strategies

Just like in real estate where location is crucial, so it is for your cat's…

What’s your cat’s preferred litter box type?

Many cat owners experience trouble with kitty not using the cat litter box they've chosen…

Easy cat litter box cleaning techniques

Successful cat litter box habits stem from many different factors. A small investment of time…

The right cat litter box for your cat

Your cat will develop and keep good cat litter box habits with the right cat…

Four cat litter box location sites in your home

You've heard that in real estate location is everything. This applies equally to your cat's…

Cat anxiety and cat litter box problems

Frazzled felines will sometimes relieve their anxiety by urinating, or marking (spraying) outside the cat…

Five cat food factors that discourage feline UTD

One of the most common causes of Feline Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD) is what your…

How to recognize and stop feline urinary tract infections early

How can you recognize feline Urinary Tract Infections early on, to save your kitty needless…

Three important litter box considerations

There are three important litter box considerations to account for whether you're a new kitten…