Tips for creating your dog’s dream backyard

Moving from an apartment to a big family house is a great experience. You’ll finally…

Why do dogs sneeze?

Sneezing is a common event in our daily lives. We usually sneeze when we have…

How to Keep Your Dog Cool During the Summer

Summer heat could be pretty stressful for dogs. They can’t sweat the ways humans do,…

How To Keep Your Dog Happy While You’re At Work

No matter how many times you repeat the ritual, the ending results will be the…

Choosing the right lumber for a dog house

Owning pets involves a lot of different responsibilities, but not all of them are troublesome.…

A swipe of the tongue – Why does my dog lick?

It’s a behavior that drives some of us dog owners, crazy – the compulsive licking…

Why do some dogs eat grass?

Our dogs sometimes do the most perplexing things, and since they don’t have the power…

Build a Doghouse You Can Be Proud Of

Man’s best friend has always been considered part of the family as well as the…

Healthy sleep for dogs: all you need to know

Dogs are important members of the home. A healthy night’s sleep is important for them,…

Is your dog’s food toxic!

How to Avoid Foods that May Be Toxic for Pets Anyone who has owned a…