Good reasons to consider a memory foam bed for your dog

It's a trend that's been developing for some time, which is memory foam beds as…

Sleeping like a dog

The Dog's Life is for me is an expression derived from the notion that a…

Can my dog be allergic to fleas?

If you have a dog that is driving you crazy up all night chewing and…

Everything about pet ear mites

Ear mites might affect many pets, and are a common problem that can be very…

Dog health problems info

You are the proud owner of a wonderful creature, the dog. Since you are the…

How to diagnose dog mange

Mange is a problem that many animals experience in particular dogs and cats. It is…

The symptoms and treatments for mange

Mange is an itchy, inflammatory disease caused by the mite Demodex. Making a determination of…

How to buy the right dog kennel

Well the most obvious starting place in any kennel or pet carrier decision relies on…

What is Dermatophilosis and can my dog have it?

If your dog spends time around farm animals like horses, cows or sheep, you need…

12 Things to do to make you a better dog owner

Not only does your dog require good behavior and discipline, but so does the dog…