Bladder stones in Labrador Retrievers
Problems related to bladder are common in Labrador Retrievers as well as other breeds. Urinary…
Poison in Labrador Retrievers
Being curious animals with hearty appetites, Labrador Retrievers usually chew on anything that catches their…
Artificial respiration and CPR can save your Labrador Retriever
You are comfortably sitting in your living room sofa watching your favorite show when all…
Anal gland disease – Is it common among Labrador Retrievers?
Do you think it is normal for Labrador Retrievers and other dogs to lick their…
Dogs have separation anxiety too
Dogs, like humans, suffer from separation anxiety. Your dog may have experienced it. How do…
6 things you should not do when you have a new puppy in the home
Everyone agrees that training a puppy is imperative for him to learn how to behave…
How owning a pet teaches your children responsibility and builds confidence
Some people say that every boy should own a dog. It certainly agrees with the…
The secret to effectively handle canine arthritis
As dogs age, they become more prone to diseases, conditions and illnesses because their immune…
The untold truth discovered about pet dreams?
Do dogs dream? Most pet owners know the answer to that question…it is a resounding…