How to prevent your dog from getting fleas

Dog fleas are an unwanted nuisance to both the dog, and their owner. Fleas will…

How to train herding and working dog breeds

Herding and working dogs are actually two different categories in the American Kennel Club but…

Tips on grooming dog breeds with a long coat

Grooming your long coat dog is different from grooming a short or medium coat dog.…

Training your dog to stop chewing

Puppies are going to naturally go through a developmental phase that includes chewing almost everything…

Pros and cons of using a head halter

Instead of using a pinch collar many dog owners are trying the head halter as…

Tips for grooming your medium coat dog

If you own a dog with a medium coat, you will want to know how…

The six top things for your vet to check

When you take your dog for veterinarian appointment, it’s important that you give any information…

How your dog eats

Have you ever watched a dog eat its food? It’s actually quite entertaining, since it’s…

Dog food – The choices

Dog owners are faced with a difficult choice when comes to the right food for…

Homemade dog food – How to make tasty dog food quickly

Has the recent spate of dog food recalls gotten you paranoid about what actually goes…