Methods and procedures to crate train a dog

When it comes to dog training, crate training is a safe, effective, and humane way…

What dog food manufacturers aren’t telling you

Dog food labels can be very using confusing. In fact almost all owners fail to…

How to choose a heated dog bed

Some of the major benefits of having dog beds heated are for the treatment of…

Your first dog training guide

It can be an overwhelming experience to have a dog in your house for the…

dog ear cleaning supplies
Keeping your dog’s ears clean

Proper ear care is crucial for your dog's health and well-being. Regular cleaning and inspection…

How to cure itchy skin on dogs

Watching your beloved canine companion incessantly scratch and whimper is a distressing experience for any…

Is there an easy technique to treat ear mites at home?

Finding a way to treat ear mites does not necessarily mean a trip to the…

Welsh Terriers – Facing a struggle

Initially, Welsh terriers were bred for hunting rabbits, foxes and badgers, but public opinion and…

Several dog diseases and symptons to consider

Some diseases will infect both dogs and humans. You may get some illnesses from your…

Organic dog food: Healthy benefits for your pet

Organic foods are in our supermarkets in greater abundance these days. It is because people…