Can cats and dogs peacefully co-exist?

Can cats and dogs coexist peacefully? This may be one of man's biggest conundrums. Dogs, according to most all cartoons, are supposed to chase cats and cats are, in return, expected to spit, hiss, and claw them. Well, if you get a new dog or cat and introduce them to the older, established one without taking the time to make slow, peaceful introductions you may see some bad results. Here are some tips to make smooth transitions into each other's lives.

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Songs about cats (or are they?)

Perhaps the most famous Cat Song is The Siamese Cat Song recorded by Peggy Lee. The song is from the Walt Disney 1955 classic "The Lady and The Tramp", an animated film about a classy Cocker Spaniel named Lady who falls for Tramp a scamp of a mongrel. The song however is about two arrogant cats, Si and Am, who have given Siamese cats a bad name ever since.

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How to find a lost cat

Losing your cat is a worrying experience, use these 'How to find a lost cat' steps, and try to stay calm. Remember that most lost cats have not run away from home, we all know about cats and curiosity. The first place you will want to search for your lost cat is right inside your home. It may seem obvious but make sure that your cat is not shut in a room, less obvious check washing machines, clothes dryers, dish washers, even refrigerators.

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Introducing a cat to your children

Are cats and children a good mix? So, you had a cat in the family when you were a kid. And you are thinking that the addition of a cat into your home would make a terrific family pet, and would give your children the pleasure of loving and caring for an animal.

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Introducing a new cat to your older cat

So, you read somewhere that introducing a new kitten into your home could be great for your existing cat, for companionship. And you remember how much fun your cat was when she was a new kitten, and you would love to re-live those days. It is generally thought that cats thrive better with the company of another feline, especially cats confined indoors. But before you rush off to your local cat shelter or breeder, here are a few tips to make bringing home a new kitten as stress free as possible.

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Cat toys - Keeping your cat amused

The simplest things can easily amuse cats. While people may go to the pet store to purchase expensive toys for their pet cats, it is more probable that cats will take favor to a piece of paper laying on the living room floor! Before you go and buy toys for your pet cat, think creatively and see if any old thing in your house could provide hours of amusement to your furry friend. In the end, you will find that you have saved money and provided your cat with the toy it really wants.

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