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Domestic cats and feral cats

The first appearance of the domesticated cat according to original reports goes
back as far as 8,000 years ago. According to findings, during that era, bones of
mice, humans and cats were buried mutually on the isle of Cyprus. Apparently,
people then brought together with them the mice, which were unwanted, and the
cats to Cyprus.

Domestication Of Cats:

Agriculture was not only the main occupation of
the Egyptians, but also of the southwestern Asian primitives and folks of
Africa, where cats appeared afterwards. Since harvesting crops was possible only
once or twice every year, it became difficult to store the food eating grains.
The entry of mice, rats and other pests only added to the difficulty.

Soon people observed that the cat population ate the rodents that
destroy the food grains.

People invited cats into their daily lives very
courteously after observing cats hunting rodents. Farmers used fish heads, milk
and bread and additional food scraps to attract and sway cats to hover around
their homes. As a result, cats merely discovered an environmental place for
themselves, a stable source of love, affection and food from human beings.

People remember cats for their illustrious position in history. Cats and
Egyptians shared a unique relationship. Egyptians possessed different varieties
of animals like pigs, sheep, cattle, fowls and monkeys in ancient times. Cats,
however unreservedly roamed the area according to its will.

of Cats:

Egypt established laws to protect and safeguard cats, since
people had a very high regard about them. A sacred order of cat reverence
developed due to its high status that lasted for about 2,000 years. People in
Egypt used to revere Bastet the cat goddess. Bastet had the head of a cat and
the body of a female. Bastet was related with motherliness, elegance, beauty and
fertility. In olden Egypt, people used to call a cat as a “Mau” resembling
“meow” a common cat word.

There was a severe punishment for people who
harmed or killed cats during the sovereignty of the Pharaohs. If a house was
ablaze, it was imperative for the humans to think first about the cats. If the
death of a cat was due to natural factors, then it was mandatory for the entire
family to go into detailed mourning with beating of chests and recitation of
slogans as an indication of pain.

It was necessary to wrap the cat s
body in linen, and inspection was compulsory to ascertain that the cat s death
was natural. Tombs of cats also had mouse mummies to ensure enough food for
their next journey. Soon cats sailed to countries like India, Japan, China,
Italy and Greece.

Other Historical Facts:

People used to torture
and sacrifice cats in sacred rituals during the medieval ages. People regarded
and scorned cats as Satan s members. Individuals considered black cats as a bad

Due to the persecution of cats the number of rodents increased,
plague arose and devastated life. It was then that cats received appreciation
and they once again gained popularity by the eighteenth century.

became extremely popular in the nineteenth century and cat exhibitions of
various pedigrees began towards the ending of nineteenth century.

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