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Find important facts about Red Persian cats

Unless we put the Persian cats into particular category it will be impossible to recognize them as in recent times they are coming with a blend of different color coats.

The Persian cat families have been further divided into groups according to the color of their coats to make it easy for people to distinguish them. For example you will find Silver Shadowed, Golden Shadowed, Cameo Shaded and also Red Persian cats.

You will find that most of the Persian cats have white layer of underlying coat with different colored tips which are technically called ticking. But you will discover that there are number of unusual colored cats like blue cream which is the consequence of mixed breeding.

Likewise another color that has evolved for the Persian cat is red which now recognized is to be the color that occurs in normal cats unlike albino whites which are considered very rare. It is not a bright screaming red, rather an almost orange or rather ginger color, which can vary. This means that the cat could either be all red or could have traces and hints of either white or brown ticking. Mostly however, red Persian cats tend to be completely red.

The lips and chin of the cat are the identical color as that of the coat. Its paw pads and nose leather is a brick red color and unlike Silver Shaded and Chinchilla Persian cats whose eye color is either green or blue-green, the Red Persians eye color is of a bright copper color. But it does, like the other Persian cats, have the blackened rimmed eyes that give off an impression as though the cat is wearing eye makeup.

The red color can also occur in patches along with other colors and generally these colors are cream, white and cameo. For instance the Smoke Tortoiseshell Persian cat possesses an undercoat that is of a white color and is deeply tipped with black and rather prominently defined, and rampant patches of red and cream ticking that form on its coat, similar to the pattern of a tortoiseshell.

The extent of color patterns that you can find in this breed of Persian cat is incredible and there are cats of this variety with blazing red or cream tips on the face which many people find attractive.

The Tortoiseshell Persian cat is the only one along with the Red Persian cat family who are pedigree with copper colored eyes. While the other families of the Persian breed, like for instance the Silver Shaded, Golden Shaded or Chinchilla have originally green or blue-green eye color.

Except for the long and fluffy mane that the Red Persians tend to have, they have similar features like other cats of Persian variety like sturdy and short legs, strong body, punched face and dark rimmed eyes. Their lips and chin are red colored.

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