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Siamese cat

The Siamese Cat is a mysterious looking breed that originated in Siam, hence the name, Siamese Cat. Siam, which is now Thailand calls them Wichian Maat. There are many breeds of cat that are offshoots of the Siamese Cat. The Burmese, Balinese, Colorpoint Shorthair, Ocicat, Tonkinese, Himalayan, Javanese, and the Oriental Sorthair and Loanghair are all derived from the Siamese Cat.

For cat shows there are certain standards for Siamese Cats. Balance is the first thing to look for in a Siamese Cat you intend to show. Long, slender, and tall are features that every Siamese Cat that you wish to show must have.

The head of your Siamese Cat should be long and balanced. The points at the ears down to the muzzle should be aligned symmetrically. The muzzle should be straight. They should not have an uneven bite and a strong chin is a plus.

Their expression should be alert and their eyes should be a piercing blue color. The eyes of your Siamese Cat should be oriental in shape but there should be space between them and the nose. Deepset eyes are not a sign of a good show cat for the Siamese breed. The haw should not cover more than just the corner of the eye. Their ears should be large and wedge shaped. (Large at the base tapering up to the tip).

The hind legs of your Siamese Cat should be slightly longer or higher than the front legs. The feet should be oval shaped and not too large. The overall length and shape of your Siamese Cat should be well-balanced. A long tapering tail is also desired. Any kinks in the tail will likely mean your Siamese Cat should not participate in shows or at least you should not expect to win.

The mask should be complete unless you are showing Siamese Kittens. All points should be clearly defined, a clear contrast between the points and the color of the body. All points should be the same basic color as well.

Your Siamese Cat’s coat should be short, have a fine texture and should be glossy. Proper care and feeding of your Siamese Cat will help you achieve this. Even if you are not planning to participate in cat shows, a Siamese Cat is a wonderful pet and the guidelines above will help you determine the value of the cat you choose to adopt.

One thing you should know about owning a Siamese Cat is that they can be as loud as a siren with a voice that sounds like a crying baby. They demand your attention and will do whatever it takes to get it. They are playful, fun-loving pets that you will come to love. Their dependence on you for attention is a sign of love you will be more than happy to return.

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