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When does a cat reach full size?

Many kitten owners may ask, “When does a cat reach full size”? Kittens have different growth rates and reach maturity at different times depending on the cat breed of the kitten.  A general guideline for the maturity of domestic shorthair kittens, including the American shorthair, is that they reach full size within the first three years, but often within the first two years. Some cat breeds mature much faster or slower than this.  A Singapura kitten is one of the fastest maturing cat breeds. Singapura kittens reach full size when they are between fifteen and twenty-four months old.

Chartreux kittens reach full adult size when they are about three years old. Kittens of the Somali cat breed are about eighteen months old when they reach full size.
Bengal and Savannah cats typically reach full size in two to three years. Some resources state that some Bengal cats take slightly longer to reach full size.
The Chausie cat breed is a hybrid of domestic cats and jungle cats. Chausie kittens reach full size when they are two to three years old. American Bobtail kittens also take up to three years to reach adult size.

It is possible for a Ragdoll kitten to take up to five years to reach full size. Most Ragdoll kittens reach full size in three to four years.Like Ragdoll kittens, Turkish Van kittens can take three to five years to mature. Most Maine Coon kittens reach full size in three to four years, but may take up to five years. The Norwegian Forest Cat is a slow-maturing cat breed. The kittens often take four to five years to reach full adult size. Siberian cats can also take up to five years to reach full size.

Some cat breeds go through other physical changes besides size while they are kittens. Egyptian Mau kittens may be born with amber eyes, but the eyes turn green by the time the kitten is about eighteen months old. Many cat breeds experience changes in their coats and coloring as they mature.

Neutering or spaying a kitten does not need to wait until the kitten reaches full size. Undesirable consequences can occur if spaying or neutering is delayed. Waiting to spay a female kitten increases its risk of mammary cancer. Male cats are more likely to develop spraying behavior if not neutered while young.

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